




Seth Merrin

Marc Vollenweider

Shawn Otto

Milkweed Editions

Jonathan Ferrara

James M. Stone

Hal Scott

Michael Palumbo

Ariel Teal Toombs and Colt Baird Toombs

Sarah Cooper

Ian Brown

David Cay Johnston

Don Yaeger

Mindy Mackenzie

John Hupalo and Peter Mazareas

Hal S. Scott

Albert J. Zdenek Jr CPA/PFS

Kate DiCamillo

Sheila Walsh

Robert Kurson

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Our Satellite TV Tour with PTA proved to be one of our greatest triumphs – penetrating more key markets than we ever imagined. The folks at Planned Television Arts promised to deliver, and they did with the highest level of professionalism and enthusiasm. They were with us from start to finish.
— DAVID WARGIN, Director of Public Affairs, American Legislative Exchange Council