




Ron Shaw, CEO, Pilot Pen America

Thunder's Mouth Press

Herb Kelleher, CEO, Southwest Airlines

Wildcat Canyon Press

Rich DeVos, CEO, Amway

Shaquille O'Neal

Mark McCormack, CEO and Founder, International Management Group

George Foreman

Dr. Kevin Roberts, CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi

Lawrence Taylor

Farooq Kathwari

Estee Lauder, Founder, Estee Lauder

Magic Johnson

Kim Peacock

Richard Branson, CEO, Virgin Airlines

Darryl Strawberry

Dr. Paul Grundy

Albert Dunlap, CEO, Sunbeam

Don Shula

Dan Pelino

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Thanks for helping make Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty a New York Times bestseller. The media hits were fantastic – some of the best ones I've ever received. Look forward to working with you again.
— HARVEY MACKAY, AUTHOR, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty