Book Launch for "Off to Save the World" by Ann Blackman

MC (DC) -- including Sandy Trupp, Hillary Buckholtz and Dee Donavanik -- coordinated the book launch of OFF TO SAVE THE WORLD by Ann Blackman, which is a biography of Julia Taft, on December 1st at InterAction, A United Voice for Global Chance, in Washington, DC.

The hosting team included representatives from United Nations Development Programme, The State Department, InterAction, USAID from the American People and others. Our client Ann Blackman gave an emotional talk about Ms. Taft and many others shared stories about this remarkable woman who helped thousands of people around the world.



Your teleseminar on how to get publicity from putting on a teleseminar, with guest expert Dan Janal, was excellent. It was jam-packed with information one would need to host his own teleseminars. You did a great job of bringing out the best in your guest presenter. I will tune in again.
— ED MAYHEW, Author of Fitter for Life: The Secrets of 25 Masters of Fitness