MC Client Mark Moore on Sirius XM, BeliefNet, and Next Avenue

Mark Moore is a stroke survivor, philanthropist and founder of the Mark and Brenda Moore Family Foundation.  He also is the author of the upcoming book, A Stroke of Faith.  As part of a platform building campaign MEDIA CONNECT recently garnered three notable placements for Mark in a single day.  They included The Mimi Geerges Show on Sirius XM, and an article on the front page of Next Avenue, all occurring on September 17th, 2015. 



MediaConnect was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand alongside raising awareness for the book. In addition getting quality reviews and feature pieces about my book, they also helped place several bylined articles in great publications, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Fast Company, that helped establish me as a thought leader.
— DAVID BURKUS, author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas