MEDIA CONNECT client Brad Hams on Fox & Friends Weekend

MEDIA CONNECT client Brad Hams was recently interviewed on Fox & Friends Weekend to discuss his latest book Ownership Thinking: How to End Entitlement and Create a Culture of Accountability, Purpose and Profit.

Hams discussed how the next generation can avoid becoming a nation of couch potatoes by reshaping the dependence mentality that has destroyed much of our potential. He explains why America may have become trapped in a culture of privilege and why this entitlement epidemic has become the leading threat to businesses today.

Brad Hams is among the most sought after business consultants and speakers and currently runs the Denver-based company Ownership Thinking.



We’re so grateful to have partners like Kristin and the team at Media Connect. From the moment we first discuss each new project, we can count on a professional experience, from defining expectations, to detailed client communications, to consistent media results and reporting. Our authors rave about the level of service we receive.
— KATIE BOND, Director of Marketing and Publicity; Fiction, HarperCollins Christian Publishing