WATCH: MC Client Tyler Cohen-Wood on WSJ Interactive

MEDIA CONNECT client Tyler Cohen-Wood, an intelligence officer and cyber branch chief at the Defense Intelligence Agency's Science and Technology Directorate, is the author of Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life. She appeared on The Wall Street Journal’s Lunch Break to offer tips for spotting liars online.

Cohen-Wood was joined by WSJ columnist Elizabeth Bernstein and Lunch Break host Tanya Rivero in the discussion of online honesty. In an age when many people communicate over email, text, or social media, deciphering what’s real and what’s not can be difficult. Cohen-Wood suggests looking for clues such as emphatic language, repetition, and lack of personal pronouns that can raise a red flag.

WATCH the full interview now to hear more from Tyler Cohen-Wood on how to tell if someone is lying to you.



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— MITCH ALBOM, Author of Tuesdays with Morrie