PTA conducted a full boutique campaign for first-time author David Vinjamuri on a book focusing on the branding success of 8 celebrity entrepreneurs, including Roxanne Quimby (Burt’s Bees), Gary Erickson (Clif Bar), Craig Newmark (, Julie Aigner-Clark (Baby Einstein), John Peterman (J. Peterman & Company), etc. It included a national print and broadcast campaign, blog campaign, San Francisco media tour, setting up speaking engagements, and a business radio tour.
This campaign gained early momentum with positive reviews in BusinessWeek Small Business and Publisher’s Weekly, and on and Reviews in 1to1 Magazine, Advertising Age, BrandWeek, Investors Business Daily and Reuters hit around the publication date, as well as mentions in The New York Times, and on
The book also saw over 60 reviews and mentions on top-rated business, marketing, advertising and branding blogs in the months surrounding the publication date. In addition, PTA set up 6 appearances on Fox Business Network for David, national and local radio interviews including The Advertising Show and The Small Business Advocate, several speaking engagements, and arranged a media tour of San Francisco that included an appearance on KGO-TV, and a mention in The San Francisco Examiner. PTA helped David obtain the position of Fox Business Network’s branding expert and a contributing columnist role with BrandWeek.
Media Highlights:
1 to 2 Magazine Review/Recommendation
Advertising Age Byline
Advertsing Show (National Radio) Interview
Bookworm Sez (Synd. Column) Review
Brand New Blog Review Mention/Expert Source
BrandCurve Blog Review
BrandWeek Review/Excerpt
BusinessWeek SmallBiz Expert source
BusinessWeek SmallBiz Review Review
CRM Magazine Review/Q&A Review
Fox Business Network
Greg Verdino's Marketing Blog Review
Investor's Business Daily Reviews
Modern Marketing Review Feature
Network Marketing Biz Journal Review
New York Times Sunday Biz Mention
Personal Branding Blog Review
Publishers Weekly Review
Reuters Review
San Francisco Examiner Mention
Small Biz Advocate (National Radio) Interview
Soundview Exec. Book Summaries Review
Planned Television Arts did a first rate job for me. They got me excellent interviews – and they executed flawlessly.
TOM PETERS, Author of The Circle of Innovation