Case Study: JWT Worldwide (J. Walter Thompson Advertising agency)




JWT ranks as the largest advertising agency brand in the United States and the fourth-largest full-service network in the world. Its parent company is WPP.  Over the last 4 years JWT has hired Planned TV Arts  to conduct media outreach to highlight company initiatives including Annual Trends, studies on Millennials; The American Dream; and Anxiety and other company initiatives to position JWT as thought leaders.

Opportunities / Challenges:

There are thousands of advertising agencies and tens of thousands of pundits. We have worked closely with the client in developing media messages that will have impact and are newsworthy. The spokespeople JWT used for media outreach are among the most knowledgeable in their fields and that is an advantage over rival firms vying for the same media space.  We query about a thousand relevant journalists for every campaign and always look to a journalist's specific beat in trying to peg JWT's message to that journalist's area of interest. We have to be quick and get our messages out first because in the case of "trends" there are literally dozens of talking heads giving "predictions for the upcoming year."

Media Goals:

Print placements in leading mainstream publications and wire stories, additional TV and limited radio broadcast placements, with a wide array of internet presence..


The results of these campaigns have been very successful, garnering media from over 300 print media outlets and hundreds of web placements.

Highlights include:


  • Early Show (CBS)
  • Today (NBC)
  • Fox TV Fox & Friends
  • Dr. Phil
  • CNN
  • Golf Channel
  • WGN-AM Chicago
  • WBAL-AM Baltimore



  • Associated Press
  • Reuters
  • Cox News Service
  • Copley News Service
  • McClatchy News Service
  • Can West
  • USA Today
  • New York Times
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Newsday
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution
  • Philadelphia Inquirer
  • St. Louis Post Dispatch
  • Newark Star Ledger
  • Bergen Record
  • Cincinnati Enquirer
  • Hartford Courant
  • Albany Times Union
  • Hotels Magazine
  • Media Life Magazine





MediaConnect was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand alongside raising awareness for the book. In addition getting quality reviews and feature pieces about my book, they also helped place several bylined articles in great publications, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Fast Company, that helped establish me as a thought leader.
— DAVID BURKUS, author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas