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Case Studies

Howard Schatz: 25 Years


Brilliant photographer Howard Schatz was promoted by Media Connect several years ago for his award-winning book, At The Fights (Sports Illustrated). M... more ›


Art & Place


Phaidon Press issued a beautiful photography book entitled Art & Place. MEDIA CONNECT was asked to conduct a targeted media campaign for several m... more ›


Laff It Off!


George Wallace has been entertaining millions of people as a comedian for nearly 40 years. He published a humor book, Laff It Off!, with a self-help e... more ›


Are you in search of a celebrity, influencer, or topic expert for an upcoming campaign or event? We specialize in matching you with the right talent regardless of the budget.

We generate comprehensive suggestions based on decades worth of experience in these activations.  

We provide complete integrated marketing and publicity services to help you deliver the desired message. 

MC Entertainment NEVER charges a search fee and our services include:

  • Celebrity Search and Outreach
  • Influencer Engagement
  • Topic Expert Spokespeople
  • Positioning and Messaging

MC Entertainment also offers specialty services including:

  • Pharmaceuticals/Healthcare
  • MC Entertainment owns an ever-growing database of celebrities and sports figures who have ties to a variety of healthcare issues (either personally or by relation). This list has over 3,000 names and is constantly being expanded, offering up-to-the-minute access to an appropriate talent.
  •  Satellite TV Tours/Podcast Tours
  • Our in-house publicity department will book spokespersons on multi-city tours securing 15+ TV markets in one morning and 15-18 radio shows/podcasts as well. Audience reach ranges into millions of viewers and listeners.



Gil Pagovich 212-583-2787




PTA gets the job done! Their energy level is high, the ideas are flowing and the results are tangible. With PTA on my side my book Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life reached a second printing only four weeks after its publication date! PTA is reliable, responsible and respectful of every client, from celebrities to unknown rising stars. PTA gets my highest recommendation.
— LAURIE PUHN, Author of Instant Persuasion -- How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life (Penguin) President of The Laurie Puhn Institute