MEDIA CONNECT has been booking radio tours for the prolific Dean Koontz for his past eight titles. For his most recent books, Breathless (Bantam) and the third installment in the Frankenstein series (Bantam), MEDIA CONNECT secured over 90 radio interviews. That's four days of radio (20 plus interviews per day). Over the years Dean has reached his audience through top local stations in New York (WCBS-AM), Atlanta (WSB-AM), and Detroit (WJR-AM) among many other and national networks and shows including "Touch of Gray", Sirius, and USA Radio Network. Our goal with Dean is to provide not only the best stations and markets but also the best interview quality so we target smaller stations with a host who is a huge fan as well. Below is a smattering of the stations that we booked for Dean's most recent titles.
MEDIA CONNECT was contracted by Wiley to oversee a full boutique media campaign encompassing sports, business and general interest media for the basketball icon and sports pioneer for her self-improvement book. MEDIA CONNECT executed a full national campaign with an emphasis on print and broadcast media, along with a television satellite tour, a nationwide sports radio tour and online outreach. MEDIA CONNECT also developed sports-specific press materials for the campaign.
Although the character of Stephanie Plum was around for a few years before PTA had the chance to spread the word, we like to think that we have contributed to her popularity and longevity. For the last six of bestselling author Janet Evanovich's series, PTA has worked with St. Martin's to bring the antics of Stephanie Plum and her creator to the listeners of stations across the country. Starting with Fearless Fourteen, Finger Lickin' Fifteen, Sizzling Sixteen, Plum Lucky, Plum Spooky and Plum Lovin', and most recently, Wicked Appetit, Ms. Evanovich was heard on such top stations and shows as Cover to Cover on XM Satellite Radio and WMJI-AM in Cleveland.
PTA Interactive followed the concept of the book, by breaking down the book, chapter by chapter, and soliciting "micro reviews" from bloggers who cover business, marketing and social media. We sought out high-traffic bloggers and paired their expertise with a specific chapter of the book. Not only did this drive home the concept of the book, bloggers (who are overwhelmed by books to read and review) loved the idea as it only required them to read and write about the single chapter that they were most interested in discussing. The bloggers also appreciated the additional traffic that was generated for their site as a result of being linked to by the other sites on this "micro Blog Tour".
PTA has now promoted the last five of Diana Palmer's books through a combination of radio tours, local television, author appearances and most recently an online/blog outreach. PTA blanketed her local media market of Atlanta, arranging several television interviews along with four book signings. For the first time, we added the additional element of blogger outreach to her traditional radio and local media campaign. In addition to 25 top radio stations, Diana guest blogged and was reviewed on over 35 sites.
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Thanks for helping make Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty a New York Times bestseller. The media hits were fantastic – some of the best ones I've ever received. Look forward to working with you again.
HARVEY MACKAY, AUTHOR, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty